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Now You Know History

When combined correctly, the individuals known as Zac, Jesse, Bobby & Brent become Now You Know, a force to be reckoned with (as Adam Conover learned recently.)  It's not all fun and games in the Now You Know studios, okay it is, but fun is how you learn, and learning is what we're all about.  Whether it's how to install a Tesla Wall Charger or reviewing new gadgets (because we love gadgets - I mean, come on who doesn't love gadgets!) or showing how to make Banana Ice Cream (because come on, who doesn't like banana ice cream!), wait... I forgot what we were talking about because now I'm thinking about banana ice cream... I love banana ice cream!


About Now You Know

Zac Cataldo 


Zac's job was to save the planet.  Since Elon Musk has taken on that task, Zac can now focus his energies on more intensive naps, keeping Bobby & Brent from filling up Dropbox and cheering on Elon.  Zac looks forward to the day when everyone gets their energy from the Sun and Cole is just the name of our intern.a stunning pic to grab their attention and get them to click.

Zac Cataldo, Now You Know, YouTube, Channel, Tesla, Supercharger
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